Cycling '74 as Silver Sponsor
Mar 10 2006 | Sponsors
The San Francisco based company Cycling '74 is a silver sponsor of SOUND NOMADS.
Sony Media Software is a Gold Sponsor
Nov 29 2005 | Sponsors
Artist support and project sponsor, Sony Media Software sponsors Ger Ger and the project Sound Nomads.

JUL '06
Bakersfield - Sound Huntings unter widrigen Umständen. Warten auf Permission für Recordings und Shots auf Raffineriegelände. In letzter Instanz: Permission denied. Wir blieben am Ball: Sound Hunting auf engstem Raum im fahrenden Auto. Security auf den Fersen. Nicht jede Jagd gestaltet sich gleich erfolgreich bzw. einfach.
JUL '06
JUL 13: Über uns: Rauchschwaden. Vor uns: Sonne. Hinter uns: verpasst, Chevron Ludrow. Wir tanken dann für 4.699/gal. Nächstens dank Hartnäckigkeit auf gesperrten Sandstraßen ("Make sure you are the driver." Anyway, we didn't have to push.) durch die einsame Mojave Wüste. Tierreiches Camplager, also dann: sound recordings for breakfast.
JUL '06
The wait is over! SOUND NOMADS is heating up (USA Jul-Sep). JAK (Jakob, my project partner) has arrived in LA today. Off-topic: Yesterday I was enlightened by the wondrous saying on a Taco Bell sauce packet: "When I grow up, I want to be a waterbed." I still have to rack my brain over it ...
JUN '06
US-Berlin-Vienna Connection Notes: "Was zum Mittag-essen in der Hofburg serviert wurde: Rucola-Salat mit Saibling und Forelle als Vorspeise, Kalbsfilets mit Eierschwammerl-Gröstl als Hauptgang und zuletzt Wachauer Marillenknödel. Unbestätigten Meldungen zufolge wurde das Essen für die US-Delegation vor dem Verzehr von einem US-Chemiker auf Gift analysiert." BTW Österreich Schlagzeile aktuell: "Braunbär Bruno abgeschossen".
JUN '06
New: Completely refurbished RSS/XML/ATOM feeds and E-mail subscription service. Subscribe to the news feed and enjoy news updates, new blog entries and research articles delivered right to your news reader or inbox.
US-Berlin-Vienna Connection Notes (no comments): "US-Präsident George W. Bush soll bei seinem Wien-Aufenthalt am Mittwoch 'auf ausdrücklichen Wunsch seiner Frau Laura' die Österreichische Nationalbibliothek besichtigen und dort mit einer Gruppe ausgewählter Studenten diskutieren. (Neue Kronen Zeitung)." ... "Bush werde am Mittwoch in der Früh von seinem Wiener Domizil im Hotel Intercontinental am Stadtpark mit einer eigenes eingeflogenen gepanzerten Limousine zur Hofburg fahren."
FIFA World Cup, Drive You Crazy: WM Internet live streams worldwide, whereever you go. Better: Soccer for Geeks: WM live in ASCII. Just type in your command window "telnet 2006" and press enter.
MAY '06
Da sich das mobile Arbeitsumfeld und Equipment nach sorgfältiger Planung und Zusammenstellung auf der aktuellen USA Tour sehr bewährt, an dieser Stelle eine kleine Auflistung. Details zur stark erweiterten und weitaus komplexeren Projekttechnik ab Juli 2006 werden dann gesondert nachzulesen sein.
Sony Vaio VGN-SZ1VP, WD Passport Portable 120GB HD, WD My Book Essential 500GB HD, Shure E2c, Canon EOS 10D DSLR, Canon EF 28-135mm IS, Sigma EX 14mm, Canon Ixus i/SD10, Canon AW-DC10
Outdoor Favorites: Campingaz Bleuet 270 Micro Kocher, RELAGS Aquis Towel
MAY '06
Erforderte der Aufbau noch zwei Tage vor der offiziellen Eröffnung der diesjährigen NAB zahlreiche Opfer, so war die Show die Tage darauf umso lebendiger. Die National Association of Broadcasters Show konnte dieses Jahr mit einem neuen Besucherrekord aufwarten: 105.046 Besucher waren nach Angaben des Veranstalters insgesamt akkreditiert, davon 25.537 von außerhalb der USA.
kleine persönliche Highlights: intuitiver Videoschnitt mit NewTeks neu vorgestelltem SpeedEDIT, Highspeed-Videoaufnahmen in HD mit bis zu 950 fps oder in SD mit bis 1.150 fps mit der Weisscam, 11 optics surround camera, Maxons MoGraph, ...
MAR '06
Since the relaunch last year, this website has been constantly further developed and some new functions and content have been added.
Technical Enhancements
Constant improvements and enhancements of and the o0oo System allow ongoing new features and ensure an optimal performance and an intuitive navigation. Some functions are unique.
Since the end of 2005, most of the content is available in German and English. Elaborate translations ensure a first-class internationalization. Special thanks to Shane Anderson.
Search Function
The search function allows for a structured efficient full text search. The optional search bar for Firefox provides for even more comfort and the SiteTree view facilitates another efficient way for navigation through this website.
Since a short time a current calendar with my personal dates are also at disposal. The view can be adapted to one's own needs and limited to certain timeframes.
Research Alpha 0.1
As a first small preview, the research section is online.
Text and Media Content
The content is expanding constantly, too, as well as blowing up in terms of the variety of integrated media formats.
MAR '06
Native Instruments supports Ger Ger's SOUND NOMADS.
With the Native Instruments sponsorship, the multiple award-winning product NI KOMPLETE will find its application in extreme performances. Native Instruments is the pioneer and market leader in the field of software instruments, and one of the key players in the market of computer-based audio production technology. With a great innovative portfolio, NI offers the optimal complement to the SOUND NOMADS settings.
In recent years, Native Instruments software has inspired entire musical genres and defined the sound of countless professional productions.
The extensive product range combines outstanding sound quality with far-reaching sonic possibilities, opens up new creative horizons, and covers the whole field of digital music creation. The range goes from the ground-breaking modular sound design software REAKTOR to fascinating synthesizers such as ABSYNTH and FM7, versatile sampling instruments like KONTAKT and BATTERY, authentic vintage emulations like the B4 and ELEKTRIK PIANO, unique effects processors such as VOKATOR and NI SPEKTRAL DELAY and last but not least to the revolutionary digital guitar studio GUITAR RIG.
MAR '06
The San Francisco based company Cycling '74 is a silver sponsor of SOUND NOMADS.
In Ger Ger's interactive installation projects, MAX/MSP was often put into use. But with SOUND NOMADS - the high-tech/public/sound/performance art project - and this sponsorship, a very special tight and intimate relationship with MAX/MSP comes into play. Official start of SOUND NOMADS: end of June 2006.
Cycling '74 creates and distributes Mac OS and Windows software for audio, video, and multimedia innovators. Products include the Max/MSP/Jitter graphical programming environment, the Pluggo, Mode and Hipno collections of
Max/MSP-based audio plug-ins, the Radial loop-based composition and performance system, the Octirama and UpMix advanced surround design tools, and the interactive algorithmic composition program M.
Cycling '74 also releases creative musical and multimedia works through their c74 recording label and audio source libraries for musicians, sound designers and media producers through its Cycles series.
FEB '06
Celemony supports the project SOUND NOMADS as a silver sponsor.
Celemony's sponsorship of SOUND NOMADS allows for many more creative and unique methods of handling sound materials and transforming noises into music.
The audio recording software Melodyne makes possible an unconventional and free creative way of accessing audio data. With Melodyne, for example, the pitch, timing, phrasing and formants can be edited independently of one another, arbitrarily and in highly awarded sound quality.
With SOUND NOMADS Melodyne Studio comes into play, a project feature and a statement on is anticipated to appear by the end of the year.
Melodyne was presented for the first time in 2001, at the Winter NAMM Show, and has won numerous international prizes both for its innovative approach and for its fantastic sound quality.
JAN '06
The interactive installation from the work cycle ReReligion, with its confession-podcast functions, is immediately available for everyone to purchase in a 10 day auction on Ebay.
JAN '06
Jan 27, hake fillet on white wine sauce. North Mensa. Pretty damn quick to the Charité: Fishbone in my throat. General anaesthesia. Night in Hospital. The next morning left for a presentation of the Art Director Club. The bone remained unfound (ostensibly common in this case) and presumably lost during the search with the doctors tools. Still have a sore throat, but will hopefully totally recover from the fish attack soon. BTW: Server uptime: exactly 356 days. Reboot.
JAN '06
Seeing as today is my birthday, I've decided to introduce a symbolic birthday donation. This year, the grand sum of 1 Dollar goes to ... Colin's current contest "Windows XP on an Intel Mac".
The Contest: Colin's MacBook is shipping on the 15th of February. He told his boss that this would replace his IBM desktop and he could boot Windows XP on it. He is still confident it can be done. He is pledging $100 of his own money and offering anyone else who would like the instructions on how to Dual boot these two operating systems the ability to donate some of their money into the pot as a reward for the person / group that can make dual-booting Mac OS X and Windows XP happen on an Intel Mac. .
JAN '06
Small bronze sponsorships from two different companies.
The Munich based company with its competence in mobile applications, is making available its line of products (including FinPocket).
Reise Know-How/Grundmann Publisher
The Dr. Hans-R. Grundmann publisher supports the project development of SOUND NOMADS 2006 with various publications. The publishing house is in its department an undisputed champion. .