Hidden & Forbidden Identities, Palazzo Albrizzi, Giardini Greenhouse, Procuratie




About Hidden & Forbidden Identities

In the prestigious spaces of Palazzo Albrizzi in Venice starts Ruoli Segreti e Ruoli Proibiti / Hidden & Forbidden Identities, an international videoart festival and photography exhibition which opens the doors on Saturday, February 11th at 17:30.

The event, organized by TheSeven and International ArtExpo, will be divided into three sections: a photography exhibition that reflects the concept of the Carnival in a pluralism conceptual view. A videoart festival indoor that will be screened every day in the afternoon in different places of Venice. Outdoor screenings entitled Architetture Velate / Architecture in Disguise with the works of five artists that cover the substance of the buildings with a second calligraphy skin.

The selections has been based on the main concept of “Hidden & Forbidden Identities“.
“Whoever might believe to understand a phenomenon without knowing its background, loses the opportunity to cope with an instructive manual about the sense or nonsense of masking. This is even more true in relation to an event whose psychological, religious and ethnographic implications represent a real source of studies and virtuosity of the soul and of the body. We should remember that in the myths of different world cultures, the tribes in Africa, various peoples in Asia, in North America, in Europe, the mask has a double matrix: it is connected with an archetype of the human soul, with aggression, and on the other hand it is correlated with the essential passage during an initial ritual of death and life. What has remained of these myths and of past archetypes in our every days’ disguise? Carnival means mask, Carnival means disguise, Carnival permits any kind of funny odd things. Whoever feels a sudden desire to change, himself or his environment, from any point of view, is mature for Carnival.” Elis Saint Juste Gluckstein, 2011

Organizers: International ArtExpo . The Seven
Curators: Luca Curci . Elis Saint Juste

International ArtExpo

International ArtExpo is an independent group of artists founded in 2001 and mainly dedicated to contemporary art and videoart, is a not for profit organization that provides a significant forum for cultural dialogue between all artists from different cultures and countries.
We depend on the support of you. ArtExpo is grateful to all of the institutions, corporations, and individuals who support our efforts. We work with a number of national and international galleries as well as publishers, museums, curators and writers from all over the world. We help artists through solo and group exhibitions, gallery representation, magazine reviews and advertisements, press releases, internet promotion, as well as various curatorial projects.


For the Upcoming Thought is the provoking title of a project, conceived and curated by the TheSeven, which represents a contemporary story in twelve chapters situated in twelve different sites in the City of Venice and in its Lagoons. The connection of all these places is a manual for an intriguing alternative travel into literature, into the world of fairy tales which get materialized through art, design and architecture. The updated map of Contaminante offers permanent site specific art works realized by international artists in ten sites throughout 2012.

Selected Artists

Video Artists

Alaleh Alamir . Iran | Giacomo Arrigoni & Chiara Spagnoli . Italy | Sharlene Bamboat & Alexis Mitchell . Canada | Ursula Berlot . Slovenia | Derek Michael Besant . Canada | James A. Cook . USA | Fernanda D’Agostino . USA | Giral Dominique . France | Jonas Englert . Germany | Francesca Fini . Italy | Diego Fiori . Italy | Lucia Flego . Italy | Marina Fomenko . Russia | Ger Ger . USA | Joseph Girandola . USA | Paul Handley . New Zealand | Mohamed Harb . Palestine | Wei-Ming Ho . Taiwan | Niels Hoebers . The Netherlands | Freya Holdsworth . Austria | Majlinda Kelmendi . Albania | Orhan Kerkezi & Adem Rusinovci . Kosovo | Satu Kiuru . Finland | Vitor Lago Silva . Portugal | Chuan Ping Liu . China | Basir Mahmood . Germany | Andreas Mares . Austria | Penka Mincheva . Sweden | Rui Mourão . Portugal | NOK&T/ART Bannenberg&Snel . The Netherlands | Diana Page . Turkey | Tommaso Pedone . Italy | Silvia Pereira . Germany | Nazia Andaleeb Preema . Bangladesh | Pasha Reshikov & Angelina Christina . USA | Albin Schutting . Austria | Splitterwerk . Austria | Gregory Steel . USA | Nino Strohecker . Austria | Antti Tanttu . Finland | Birgitta Thaysen . Germany | Olivia Ting . USA | Edyta Turczanik . Poland | Panagiotis Voulgaris . Greece | Przemek Wegrzyn . Poland

Photo Artists

Emma Borland . Australia | Gianluca Bronzoni . Italy | Salvio Capuano . Italy | Naomi Devil . Austria | Elio Germani . Italy | Kellyann Geurts . Australia | Dietmar Hochhauser . Austria | Shqipe Jonuzi . Kosovo | Satu Kiuru . Finland | Diana Martin Lapena . Spain | J. Mayer H. Architects . Germany | Kate McDonald . Canada | Penka Mincheva . Sweden | Domenico Morizzi . Italy | Esther Naor . Israel | Benjamin Nash . UK | Diana Nikolova . Bulgaria | Gê Orthof . Brazil | Anel Pala . Bosnia and Herzegovina | Lais Pontes . USA | Emanuela Santoro . Italy | Robert Sherer . Georgia | Preben Van der Straete . Belgium | Peter Westman . Sweden | Maciek Wojciechowski . UK

Architetture velate / Architecture in Disguise Artists

Francesca Coniglio & Donato Gagliano . Italy | Dongfan . China | Françoise Morin . France | Andrzej Karmasz . Poland | Irmfried Windbichler . Austria | Irina Tarkhanova Yacubson . Russia

Opening | Location

Saturday, February 11th at 17:30, 2012
at Palazzo Albrizzi | Cannaregio 4118 | Venice | Italy


Exhibition place
Palazzo Albrizzi | Cannaregio

February 11 - March 10, 2012, Venice | Italy

Screening places
Palazzo Albrizzi, Cannaregio / Procuratie Court Yards, San Marco / Giardini Greenhouse, near Biennale – Castello / Parish Church San Giovanni Battista in Bragora, Castello / Venezia Terminal Passeggeri, Stazione Marittima, Dorsoduro / Residence I.R.E Zitelle

February 11 - 21, 2012, Venice | Italy


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