Soundtrack Competition 1997

Austrian Youth Music Competition. Placed third with "Picasso Rococo".

The Competition

A one-off, this competition was offered in 1997.

Contribution: Picasso Rococo

Specifications: Techno-Soundtrack.
Although Ger Ger doesn't fancy Techno, he created an experimental contribution, admittedly genre crossing, especially for the competition: Picasso Rococo.

Techno potpourri between abstraction and surrealism ...
"Wo immer ich auf Grau treffe, werde ich Rosa dagegensetzen." Picasso

The Award

In spite of the mildly unfamiliar experiment, the work was honored with third place after eliminations.
Both of the higher placed winners were awarded a vacation to Las Vegas. The prize for third place was in contrast rather meager ;-).