Prix MultimediaArt 1997

Prize for Multimedia Art . by far the youngest Participant Ger Ger . Winner of Category "Games" . broadcasted on TV.

The Big Surprise

In its newly developed version, "GERI-Simulator" - already praised at "Press button ..." in 1996 - holds its own against the contenders of numerous agencies and studios. The work received the Prix MultimediaArt in the category "games".

At this time just turned 16 year old, Ger Ger trumped every company/agency - as well as some renowned ones - and is thus a great surprise and new discovery.

Award Ceremony

The Gala took place on February 20, 1997 in Salzburg's Stadtkino (City Theater), with a TV crew at hand.

More about the Award

The Techno-Z professional school and Salzburg's ORF-studio first announced the Prix MultiMediaArt in 1996 in order to distinguish exceptional Austrian multimedia productions. In the meantime, the Europrix developed.

Submissions for the contest came from all over Europe and the USA.


Following the prize there ensued contact to MBA (Multimedia Business Austria), diverse artists and agencies, an invitation to Milia in Cannes and some other stuff.