Prix Ars Electronica 2000

The world's leading prize in the realms of electronic art. Award of distinction, category "u19", broadcasted on TV.

The Award

With the project NETDUMP, Ger Ger received an award at Prix Ars Electronica 2000.

The Prix

The Prix has been a fixed component of the Ars Electronica for years.

Wikipedia: this prize is often called the "Oscar" of computer art.
The festival of Ars Electronica has yearly taken place in Linz since 1979, accompanied by a large media echo. It is the world's leading and most important festival for digital arts/media arts.

Award Ceremony and TV Transmission

The gala event/award ceremony was on Sept. 4, 2000 in Linz. It could be seen on the following networks:
3Sat - LIVE
ORF1 - late night transmission


Cyberarts exhibition at O.K. (Center for Contemporary Art, Linz)

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