Cycling '74 as Silver Sponsor
Mar 10 2006 | Sponsors
The San Francisco based company Cycling '74 is a silver sponsor of SOUND NOMADS.

SEP '06
Santa Monica Watch Tower 7. Right back corner. 118 Ger Ger's feet (Puma Speed Cat P US Grey/Olive 9/EUR 42/UK 8/CM 27) to Pacific Coast Highway. Turn right. Keep on going 98 feet. Go for gold!
This is the end of the first SOUND NOMADS season and of this intense US tour. A continued series of performances will arise next year ...
The SOUND NOMADS project page with the full range of downloads and additional details will be complete in November.
SEP '06
SEP 26 | Art Performance: 'Lantern Dogs' |
Location | Los Angeles, CA/USA |
Timeframe | 3:45-5:30 PM | ??:00 min. Video Runtime |
Preparation | SEP 07, SEP 22 [2 days]. MAX/MSP, sound editing, track composing, callibration |

Los Angeles dogs and puppies. Sidewalks - rich, poor, famous, empty. Beverly Hills lost and found in translation. Who is the dog - we are what we do. Watch out for the sweet and lovely lamp posts - in broad light, by day and by night.
Technology: With the help of some self-developed RT noise generators, the lamp post become playable through distance sensors. Live audio inputs and master track round off the setting.
SEP '06
SEP 25 | Art Performance: 'Sound Pets LA' |
Location | Los Angeles, CA/USA |
Timeframe | 1 day | ??:00 min. Video Runtime |
Preparation | SEP 23-24 [2 days]. MAX/MSP, sound recording and editing, track composing, pet reconstruction, callibration |
Video Clip: Coming soon!
Never change a winning team ... after the success in San Francisco, we took the chance to reinvent the sound pets in LA with refurbished beats and a new language. Creatures fed with sound samples are playing their own rhythms based on the city's intensities of light and shadow.
Technology: Two light sensors - each mounted in a handsized transparent cube - are brought to life. A day around Los Angeles with the two unconventional pets. Software development for a certain level of autonomous intelligence and precise calibration allow these pets to emit beats and to place fast food orders along the way. Beat - order pet 1 - beat - order pet 2 - beat ... Light intensity (shadows of buildings, time of day, etc) as well as movements are responsible for the selection of fast food pool samples. The stopping of a pet manifests itself as the momentary arresting of the rhythmic chain.
SEP '06
SEP 21 | Art Performance: 'Victor's Desert Party' |
Location | Goffs, CA/USA |
Timeframe | 5:00-7:00 PM | ??:00 min. Video Runtime |
Preparation | SEP 07-08, SEP 21 [3 days]. MAX/MSP, sound recording and editing, track composing, callibration |
Video Clip: Coming soon!
Victor, the good guy behind the scenes. In honor of him a desert party was thrown last Thursday. Beats triggered by his turn signals, wired headlights, collective shaking/moving/sliding ...
Technology: In various ways the car becomes playable through sensors. Light sensors on the blinkers and on the headlights trigger samples; distance sensors generate sound changes to the master track when the car moves. Party karaoke thanks to the mic-in megaphone.
SEP '06
SEP 20 | Art Performance: 'Luxor 22.145' |
Location | Luxor Hotel and Casino/Las Vegas, NV/USA |
Timeframe | 7:00 PM - 3:00 AM | ??:00 min. Video Runtime |
Preparation | SEP 18-20 [3 days]. MAX/MSP, sound editing, track composing, callibration, storyboard |

As planned - a m/hotel performance went down in Vegas. Luxor: rooms 4455, employees 4000, casino 120,000 square feet, 250 miles visible Xenon light shot. Room No. 22.145: sensor equipped bending matresses, sound generating moving chairs, pitch shifting ironing and flickering lights.
Technology: Lamps become sound triggers and pitch shifters by means of light sensors, irons turn into turntables through pressure sensors, chairs become free-moving VST instruments through sensor combinations. Mattresses (bend it over), drawers (open/close), closet doors, curtains (movements) and the TV set (light intensity of a selected channel) become a sampler ... This performance consists of seven essentially different superstructures and interactive scenarios. A night in the luxury hotel becomes a performance night.
SEP '06
SEP 16 | Art Performance: 'Play' |
Location | Cedar City, UT/USA |
Timeframe | 13:00-16:00 PM | 2:00 min. Video Runtime |
Preparation | AUG 31, SEP 07-09 [3 days]. MAX/MSP, sound recording and editing, track composing, callibration, props |

Entertainment can have positive impacts on us, it can destroy and break. Unachievable fantastic sim worlds, growing frustrations, offendings, suppressions of problems ... Play!
Technology: Live pitching of audio sample with distance sensor on the ground. Sensor equipped rocking dog as music score controller.
SEP '06
SEP 11 | Art Performance: 'What the Fuck' |
Location | Kanab, UT/USA |
Timeframe | 7:10-9:15 PM | (Pre) 2:13 min. (Post) 3:40 min. Video Runtime |
Preparation | SEP 06-08 [1 1/2 day]. MAX/MSP, sound recording and editing |

Native Americans are living in fenced Indian reservations in times when signs of the brutal history completely disappeared. Monuments remembering the loss are rare and voids remain. For two hours an empty billboard in Utah converted into an ephemeral interactive memorial. An investigation of history and memory, meaning and interrelations. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.
Technology: In covering up sensors hanging off the billboard with the palm of the hand, single syllables are unveiled.