Cycling '74 as Silver Sponsor
Mar 10 2006 | Sponsors
The San Francisco based company Cycling '74 is a silver sponsor of SOUND NOMADS.

SEP '06
SEP 03 | Art Performance: 'Sound Pets' |
Location | San Francisco, CA/USA |
Timeframe | 1 day | ??:00 min. Video Runtime |
Preparation | AUG 31-SEP 02 [2 1/2 days]. MAX/MSP, sound editing, track composing, pet construction, callibration |
Challenges | police, weather conditions |
Video Clip: Coming soon!
This time one of SOUND NOMADS' fundaments to reflect on situations of everyday life and the surroundings as directly as possible should be transferred. The 'Sound Pets' were born. Creatures fed with sound samples are playing their own rhythms based on the city's intensities of light and shadow.
Technology: Two light sensors - each mounted in a handsized transparent cube - are brought to life. A day around San Francisco with the two unconventional pets. Software development for a certain level of autonomous intelligence and precise calibration allow these pets to emit beats and recordings of sound huntings along the way. Beat car wash sound pet 1 - beat motel sound pet 2 - beat ... Light intensity (shadows of buildings, time of day, etc) as well as movements are responsible for the selection of samples out of the two sound pools. The stopping of a pet manifests itself as the momentary arresting of the rhythmic chain.
AUG '06
AUG 15 | Art Performance: 'Black Balloons' |
Location | Cholla Cactus Garden/Joshua Tree NP, CA/USA |
Timeframe | 8:30-10:30 AM | 2:30 min./4:50 min. Video Runtime |
Preparation | AUG 09-14 [3 days]. camping dinner recordings and splash huntings, track composing, balloon research, sensor callibrations, software development/adjustments |
Challenges | car breakdown - one day overdue/second take necessary, bursting balloons (tent solution), tricky mounting and callibration of sensors, heat |

Deserts as environments of extreme heat may cause serious stresses and fragilities in different manners. Contrasts of vulnerability and eternal unbreakables. The appearance of balloons and cactuses side by side, a love-hate relationship with dangerous consequences.
Technology: When balloons burst/explode, sensors on the inside of the balloons become exposed, leaving sounds behind. Out of complete silence, a soundscape gradually emerges. Light sensors power the master track ... One of the balloons differs from the others, simulates, by means of a distance sensor, a water balloon, now silent due to the explosion and lost water. RT sound processing from the assessed sensor data.
AUG '06
AUG 12 | Art Performance: 'Shoot Down Out' |
Location | Palm Court Inn. Room 205/Palm Springs, CA/USA |
Timeframe | 6:00-9:30 PM | 4:00 min. Video Runtime |
Preparation | AUG 12 [1 day]. sensor callibrations, software development/adjustments, instrument triggers |
Challenges | room size, cpu power, MAX/MSP stability issues |

A motel bathroom - a hidden place for poor clothes shootouts. No pre-composed audio tracks at this time, a peaceful realtime living system on its own. Quietness, slowness. Continuous rhizome multi-channel instruments, only disturbed by human impact. Artistic reflections on the recurring contrasts between nature and urban environments and the American historical efforts to control nature. Cities represent the most intensive human modifications of the physical environment.
Technology: A variety of distance sensors combined with software settings form an autonomous system. Through external interferences, sensor calibrations become confused for a moment and affect clear/orderly tones of the VSTis. Thereafter the system returns to a seemingly chaotic autonomous state.
AUG '06
Victor lost his rear tire. Sabotage seems to be continued. The E-mail subscription service for site update alerts is currently down: Yutter experienced a a chain of events these days. BTW, the 'compromised credit card'-tour of the thief so far:
Date | Store | City | Amount |
AUG 01 2006 | Rite Aid Store 6016 | Sonora/CA | USD 291,89 |
AUG 01 2006 | Indian Creek Carwash | Sonora/CA | USD 12,95 |
AUG 01 2006 | Indian Creek Carwash | Sonora/CA | USD 20,32 |
JUL 31 2006 | Longs Drug Stores 233 | Jackson/CA | USD 321,43 |
JUL 31 2006 | Shell Oil 57441212107 | Pollock Pines/CA | USD 33,49 |
JUL '06
JUL 25 | Art Performance: 'Viva la Hetch' |
Location | Hetch Hetchy Dam/Yosemite, CA/USA |
Timeframe | 3:00-7:00 PM | ??:00 min. Video Runtime |
Preparation | JUL 22-24 [3 days]. Yosemite sound huntings, tunnel recordings, FM recordings, track composing, sensor callibrations, software development/adjustments |
Challenges | very limited power supply/battery backup, small time slot, no official permission, pedestrians on the dam, rangers repeatedly on site, issues with cable connections over long distances, power supply for preparation activities in the wilderness |
Video Clip: Coming soon!
The US-Mexico wall seems to grow and become more emotional every minute; according to the very few available radio channels in Yosemite, Mexico comes faster into reach as it is supposed to; in our eyes the parallels of the Mexican border and the controversial Hetch Hetchy Dam seemed to be a perfect match as it comes to the theme and location of this very first large scaled SOUND NOMADS performance ...
Technology: A dam extensively linked as a playground for the first sound nomads performance. The introduction of the basic rhythms by the rappelling of a sensor down the wall, a light sensor on the other side of the dam which can be played by bending over. The summoned Mexican sounds here are somewhere else at the same time, capable of being manipulated in pitch by the modulation of a pressure sensitive cravat. In an area defined by distance sensors the master track becomes further controllable by jumps. The whole thing's over with the weight of the "anchor".