
Ger Ger receives an award for the project NETDUMP at this year's Prix Ars Electronica 2000 (category u19)!

The Prix has been a fixed component of the Ars Electronica for years. Wikipedia: this prize is often called the "Oscar" of computer art.
The festival of Ars Electronica has yearly taken place in Linz since 1979, accompanied by a large media echo. It is the world's leading and most important festival for digital arts/media arts.


TV Broadcast
The gala event/award ceremony will be broadcasted on Sept. 4, 2000 on the following networks:
3Sat - LIVE
ORF1 - late night transmission

Cyberarts exhibition at O.K. (Center for Contemporary Art, Linz)

http://www.netdump.org . http://www.netdump.org/press_kit/ars_electronica_00/

New found footage piece for the DIAGONALE. Format: video.

The short film "The Austria Placard" ("Das Österreich-Plakat"), which originated in February 2000, will be shown at this year's DIAGONALE (festival for Austrian film March 24 - April 2, 2000) as part of the program "Filmischer Körper".
Used found footage: from "1. April 2000" and from Asian TV newscast about the Austrian change of government in 2000.
