Midsummer Night's Dream, kultpur

Solo Exhibition . 1 month project . midsummer * one night * a dream

1 month project

About 1 month project: month #1 . Series midsummer * one night * a dream

About midsummer * one night * a dream

In der Dunkelheit die Liebe – Träume, Seufzer, stille Wünsche, Tränen. Wahnwitzige, Poeten und Verliebte, des Wunsches Hälfte soll den Wünscher lohnen.
Days will quickly steep themselves in night; One night will quickly dream away the time.

Fotoserie | Alu-Dibond, 2010

About kultpur

kultpur is an exhibition space for arts and design changing it's theme and show every two months. This series has been created by invitation of kultpur related to its theme of Midsummer Night's Dream.

Opening | Location

From July 29, 2010 to September 23, 2010 at kultpur, Berlin | Germany.


kultpur Website