Streaming Festival

Screening . International Festival for Audio Visual Art . Performances

SOUND NOMADS Performances | Video Works
Black Balloons . Lantern Dogs . Luxor 22.145 . Play! . Shoot Down Out . What the Fuck

About the Festival

The Streaming Festival is an international audio visual art and film event. Films are presented in several carefully selected film programs. The event takes place on the internet, where films are broadcasted full screen on streaming servers with high image quality. The Streaming Festival takes place once a year - this 3rd edition Oct 23-26, 2008.

From any location in the world, viewers can plug into a streaming server by clicking a button and start watching films. Viewing online means that the festival is close to an individual experience.

During the festival, ArtiKraak and the Streaming Festival organises a screening exhibition, too. This offline event takes place in one of the ArtiKraak spaces in The Hague - The Netherlands.

Some films are made for the big screen, others are made to be presented on smaller remote screens. The viewer is compelled to appreciate the work in the manner they choose; individually, together with friends, colleagues or other film enthusiasts, occasionally in situations where they can collectively view the film in a cinema situation as an audience.

Organized by

The Streaming Festival is organized by the isfth foundation. Isfth is a non-profit foundation that provides support for projects that encourage the understanding of audiovisual art.

The offline version is a collaboration with ArtiKraak, a foundation for contemporary art based in The Netherlands. Artikraak organizes art events in disused buildings. They are actively looking for new encounters, cross-overs and energy which they provide space for, thereby stimulating and encouraging creative works.


Streaming Festival Website
Streaming Festival 3rd edition artists
Streaming Festival 3rd edition Program 'Sound Focus'