About DigitalArt.LA

DigitalArt.LA | International New Media Expo | August 13-20, 2009

Digital Art L.A. is a multi-site international digital art expo in the Gallery Row area of Downtown Los Angeles organized by Rex Bruce and L.A. Center for Digital Art (LACDA). The event includes exhibits by area galleries, theatres, and venues near LACDA. Many of these venues will host selected work from major out of area institutions. The centerpiece will be an international new media exhibit of juried submissions hosted by LACDA selected by Rita Gonzalez, curator of contemporary art, L.A. County Museum of Art. This exhibit will run thrugh September 5 at LACDA.

The event will take place August 13-16, opening with the Downtown Art Walk. The reception will be August 13, 7-9pm at LACDA. We are in collaboration with the Downtown Film Festival - Los Angeles, and our events occupy a page in their festival guide.

All Gallery Exhibits Open August 13-15 12-5 (Free)
LACDA Reception Thursday August 13, 7-9 pm (Free)
Downtown Art Walk Thursday August 13, 12-9 (Free)
Rowan Gallery Reception Saturday August 15, 7-9pm (Free)
LACDA Video and Expermental Shorts Saturday August 15, 5pm (DFFLA Ticket)
Devonia Retrospective Screening Sunday August 16 7:30pm (DFFLA Ticket)
'Sustainable L.A.' and Rex Bruce at 7+Fig Thursday August 20 10am-7pm (Free)

Participants include:
UCR | California Museum of Photography · Laznia Centre for Contemporary Art (Danzig, Poland) · Davis Museum (Barcelona) · Downtown Film Festival - Los Angeles · Orange County Center for Contemporary Art · Downtown Art Walk Los Angeles · Grammy Museum · Rowan Gallery · Julie Rico Gallery · Niche.LA Video Art · Deborah Martin Gallery · Phyllis Stein Gallery · Pharmaka Gallery · Todd Browning Gallery · El Nopal Press Gallery · Compactspace · Phyllis Stein Art · Edgar Varela Fine Arts · Downtown Annex Gallery · 7th+Fig Art Space · Artillery Magazine · Coagula Art Journal · Citizen L.A. · THE Magazine · · Rita Gonzalez, LACMA


Digital art defines the contemporary. The Los Angeles Center For Digital Art is dedicated to the propagation of all forms of digital art, new media, digital video art, net art, digital sculpture, interactive multimedia, and the vast panorama of hybrid forms of art and technology that constitute our moment in culture.

LACDA Juried Exhibit

Artists selected:

Joao Werner, Tom Feucht, Campbell Laird, Kendall McMinimy, Dameon Lester, Elke Brand, Martin Amorous, Diane Fox, Martina, Shenal, Michelle Hagewood, Celia Marais, Samvel Saghatelian, Allan Barnes, Artie Vierkant, John Chang, John Klof, Manuel Vazquez, Christi Nielsen, Joe Merrell, Yoshie Sakai, Vonda Yarberry, Ger Ger, Kiyomitsu Saito, Michael Henderson, Annabel Manning, Michael Lasater, Darren Floyd, Barbara Horiuchi, Trish Stone, Pat O'Neill, Scott Mahoy, Kristy H.A. Kang, Rosemary Comella, Andreas Kratky, Carroll Parrot Blue, Marsha Kinder, James Tobias, Juri Hwang, Matthew Swarts, Santiago Echeverry, Felicity Rich, Vince Michael

by Rita Gonzalez | Curator for Contemporary Art | L.A. County Museum of Art

"There were so many outstanding artists of all kinds from around the globe that it was very difficult to choose our winners. We endeavored to select winners that each represented the best of a variety of disciplines, cultures and geographical locations." LACDA

Opening | Location

All Gallery Exhibits Open August 13-15 12-5
LACDA Reception Thursday August 13, 7-9 PM
Downtown Art Walk Thursday August 13, 12-9

Los Angeles Center For Digital Art | located in the Gallery Row
Area of Downtown Los Angeles | 107 West Fifth Street between Main and Spring


Digital Art L.A. Website . LACDA Website . LACDA Digital Art L.A. International Expo Page
2009 'DigitalArt.LA' Selected Artists . LACDA Facebook Page . Gallery Row