Visions in New York City

Screenings | Exhibition


About Visions in NYC

Located on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, Teachers College, Columbia University welcomes both a multiple venue screening of selected films as well as an exhibition of stills.

Visions in New York City is an exhibition of short films and videos by established and emergent artists from all over the world. The film/video content and stills are exhibited in Macy Art Gallery November 2 - November 13, 2009, 10 am - 6 pm, Mon - Fri.

In addition there will be a screening of the films in a continuous loop at other venues at Teachers College, including the Milbank Chapel (10am - 9pm) and Russell Courtyard (weather permitting, 6 - 9 pm).

Catalog available.

Reception and Screening: Friday 13 November 2009, 6-9 PM

Director: Maurizio Pellegrin & The Board of Visions in New York City

Macy Gallery - Milbank Chapel - Cowin Center

Opening | Location

Exhibitions Nov 2-13 2009 in Manhattan, NYC.

Reception: Nov 13 2009, 6-9 PM
Macy Gallery | 444 Macy Hall

Teachers College | Columbia University
525 West 120th Street | New York | NY 10027


Visions in New York City Website
Macy Gallery . Milbank Chapel . Facebook Event