Berlin Shorts, Street Fest 09

Screening . SN performance "Black Balloons"

SOUND NOMADS Performance | Video Work . Black Balloons Details

Street Fest 09

Building a modern day community of collective creativity. Sunday, May 24 2009 2PM-12AM. Streetfest is a new breed of festival where the onus is on promoting and merging creative talents as well as modern trends. 10 hours of innovative showcases. It actively involves visitors by creating an interactive experience.

Berlin Shorts

Curated by Victoria Lucas and Leo

Esther Johnson
Celestial | 15:25
Taking the form of an experimental portrait, Celestial explores the poetry of the sky, a space of fascination and contemplation.

Michelle Chong
Can't Sleep | 00:48
Can't Sleep (2006) is an abstraction of language and power dynamics. Depicted is a short silent dialogue that explores social and political motivations through role-play. The situation is familiar, prompting the viewer to fill-in the identities and context of the neutral parties.

Claire Blundell-Jones
Tumbleweeds in London | 8:30
The Performance Artist, Claire Blundell Jones, in collaboration with filmmaker Ed presents a narrative short film about Tumbleweed Girl, a protagonist anti-hero who walks across London escorting a tumbleweed with a leaf blower.

Ger Ger
SOUND NOMADS Performance #3: Black Balloons | 4:26
Deserts as environments of extreme heat may cause serious stresses and fragilities in different manners. Vulnerability and eternal un-breakables are contrasted in Black Balloons. The imagery of balloons and cactuses side by side creates a love-hate relationship, with dangerous consequences.

Robin Kiteley
Test Phantom | 5:03
This piece touches on themes of intimacy, memory and desire using a short monologue about an anonymous sexual experience. A fractured voice-over is counterpointed with imagery taken from archive films.

Victoria Lucas
Cobweb | 3:13
This contemplative piece was filmed in an abandoned GDR Fairground in Berlin. A signifier of the passage of time, the debris-covered cobweb blows gracefully in the breeze.

Ruth Scott
Puddle Drawing | 0:16
Puddle Drawing plays into the hands of chance. Rolls of pharmacy stickers are discovered in a puddle, remarkably adopting the form of a film roll. Puddle Drawing co-exists between the stillness of a photograph and the moving image of a film.

Time | Location

Sunday, May 24 2009 2PM - 12AM

At TRANSIT | clifton st | London EC2A 4JH
Tickets available on Ticketweb.


Street Fest Website . Street Facebook Group