Takeaway Festival of DIY Media , Science Museum, Dana Centre

Juried Exhibition

SOUND NOMADS Performance | Video Work | Installation

SOUND NOMADS will be on display at the 4th Takeaway Festival of DIY Media in London.


About Takeaway

An international roster of artists working across the range of media from the visual to the sonic while pulling in elements of interaction and collaboration present projects that will involve, provoke and entertain.

Our society is being changed by the impact of technology in its many forms. It is not always easy to see what is happening immediately around us because we are too close to it and we often do not have the space to unravel and decode what we are looking at. We need opportunities to reflect and analyze the key trends and to step back from our activities, listen to the views of others and even learn new skills.

The annual Takeaway Festival of DIY Media has a role to play here. Since 2006, it as been providing just such a space where you can see, listen and learn. It has brought together artists, performers, social commentators, curators, technologists, scientists and manufacturers. It has run a rich programme of talks, workshops and as helped influence current thinking and practice in a whole swathe of varied fields.

A forum for debate, research and consideration of the theoretical implications inherent in the existing use of technology as it relates to artistic practice.

A platform and hence public support for artists whose practice involves the use of technologies either on the edge of their own knowledge or outside accepted methodologies currently available to artists/designers.

Development of a genuine open source approach to knowledge and specialized expertise so that advancements in the technological domain can be appropriated and owned by all and that as a corollary, proprietary licensing's dominance is challenged by more democratic marketing models.


These commissions will be exhibited at the Dana Centre, Science Museum, London during the 4th Takeaway Festival May 19-21 and continuing beyond this until May 30. An experienced panel of judges made these selections from international submissions.

Time | Location

May 19-30 at the Dana Centre, Science Museum, London.


Takeaway Website . Dana Centre Event Details
Takeaway Facebook Group