Factory, Museums of Bat Yam [MoBY]

Residency . Performances . Exhibition

SOUND NOMADS Performance | Video Work | Installation

An invitation for site-specific live performance actions in Bat Yam | Israel.
Guest Nomad: Mangara aka Matthias Cermak(A)



Factory is an international exhibition taking place in two venues from May 2009. It focuses on production processes and their outcome in the framework of the art field, as well as on the social-economic structures that govern the contemporary world. The exhibition's theme is inspired by Andy Warhol's famous studio, which carried diverse functions during the 60s – a gathering place for the New York bohemia, a site in which both superstars and marginal characters dwelled, a place that shaped the public and artistic persona of Warhol and his companions while functioning as an artist's studio in the full sense of the word, stimulating artistic production in various media. Factory exhibition foregrounds the critical tension that resides in production processes of different art practices (video, sound, installation, performance, painting, photography etc.), between the live event, concrete artifacts and their display and consumption. MoBY seek to induce the same tension in the friction and echoing formed between the exhibition's two venues, as the artistic activity in each of the sites will be shaped according to the unique characteristics of each space.

The Venues

First venue – Ben Ari Museum of Contemporary Art, Bat Yam
A museal exhibition showing between May and August 2009, concentrating on production processes responding or challenging the museum institution's display strategies, outlines and boundaries.

Second venue – Industrial area, Bat Yam
The industrial area is a non-artistic space, and nonetheless a much desired location for contemporary art display because of its seemingly raw nature. These are the last days of Bat Yam's industrial area in its current appearance, as it is planned to go through a renovation process that will transform it to a
'business area'. The chosen artists will work in different spaces in the industrial area for about a month, during May 2009. The various projects will be created during this month, in a process that will culminate in a live artistic event. This event, much in the spirit of 70s Happenings, will be open to the public for the duration of 3 days.

About MoBY

MoBY [Museums of Bat Yam] is a young and active center for contemporary art. Over the last year (2008), the new managing staff has set up a unique outline composed of exhibitions dealing with local issues and large-scale international exhibitions. The emphasis is set on creating a wide platform for cultural research, theory and criticism, while engaging in dialogue with the local community through dealing with relevant issues and many educational activities.

Ben Ari Museum of Contemporary Art:
This unique building, 935 square meters of round 60s architecture, hosts international and local contemporary art exhibitions and the museum's sculpture collection.

Ryback House:
Named after the Russian-French artist, Issachar Ryback, whose prominent works can be found in MoBY's collection, this one-floor wide building serves as a center for the museums' many educational and community activities.

Sholem Asch's Home:
The original home of acclaimed Yiddish writer Sholem Asch contains a unique collection of manuscripts, documentations, photographs, paintings and Judaica, and serves the literary community for gatherings and cultural events.

Time | Location

May 14-29 2009 at the Industrial Area and Museum of Contemporary Art of Bat Yam


MoBY Museums of Bat Yam