A night of Artist's Videos, Lagari

Screening . European Video Art Highlight

SOUND NOMADS Performance | Video Work

http://www.soundnomads.com . Black Balloons Details

About the Screening

An eclectic mix of international artists' film and video, from artists based in Berlin and the UK.

Artists showing

Juan Arata, Claire Blundell-Jones, Michelle Chong, Elly Clarke, Frederick Foert, Ger Ger, Nicola Harlow, Esther Johnson, Robin Kiteley, Victoria Lucas, Arthur Patching, Theo Reeves-Evison, Lucy Reynolds, Ruth Scott, Christian Sievers, Noucha and Alexander Wolf

Curated by

Victoria Lucas and Leo

Time | Location

Thu, Mar 12 2009 9PM-1AM

At the Lagari | Pflügerstr. 19 . Corner Nansenstr. | Berlin | Germany

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